With your donation you contribute to the fulfilment of our public benefit aims! Thank you!
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Installing security camera and alarm system for our Center

We plan to install a camera near the door in our Center so that our receptionists can see who is at the door and can thus continuously and easily let in our guests arriving for treatment without leaving the reception.
We would also like to use the images transmitted by the existing 4 cameras in order to be able to follow and control what is happening in the Center (even remotely at night) via a mobile phone.
Finally, we would enhance the security of the Centre by having an alarm system on the ground floor and on the first floor.

When donating, please transfer to the following account number, thank you!


HU86 1160 0006 0000 0001 9901 2893


77 000 HUF / 250 000 HUF

  • 31% 31%

Missing sum: 173 000 HUF

(updated once a week)

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11 - Bluetooth hangszóró szett 600x600

Stage Clothes – Support for our Drummers

Since 2011, our drummers have proudly worn their trademark kaftans and uniform pouches emblazoned with our symbol. The past 13 years have justified the renewal and revamp of their stage clothes. The fabulous costumes, created with the help of various craftsmen (tailor, silversmith, leatherworker) also have fabulous prices: 150 000 – 200 000 HUF / piece, which will be ordered for 20 people. Whatever amount you contribute to make the dresses possible, the Drummers will thank you with immense respect and gratitude, as the more support they will get the less they have to pay for their self-funded clothes.

Please make your donation to the Regelo Feher Taltos Traditional Hungarian Drummer Group bank account! Please write “Donation” in the message box. Thank you!

 When donating, please transfer to the following account number, thank you!


HU96 1040 2513 0001 8683  0000 0008


1 072 794 HUF / 3 000 000 HUF

  • 36% 36%

Missing sum: 1 927 206 HUF

(updated once a week)

Previous Donations


2024 - Christmas celebration

The aim was accomplished! Thank you very much for your donations and for the opportunity to celebrate together on 14 December 2024 at our traditional Christmas event at the Albertfalla Community Centre.

The funds received were used for the venue rental and to feed the participants.

Donation total: 120.000 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

“On December 14, 2024, we will hold our traditional Christmas celebration at the Albertfalva Community House. The event will feature instrumental performances, poems, songs, and concerts by the Zengő Drummers Children’s Drum Team and the Regélő Fehér Táltos Drum
Participation in the event is free of charge. All donations will go towards covering the venue rental fee and providing refreshments for the participants.”

2024 - Curtains in our Centre

The aim was accomplished! Thank you very much for your donations.
We used the funds to cover the costs of the new curtains.

Donation total: 200.000 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

“The unique design and beautification of our new centre is underway. Our next step is to purchase tasteful curtains in keeping with the cosy, welcoming atmosphere of the centre. We want to add aesthetic, but value-for-money translucent and also blackout curtains to the appropriate rooms.​”


2024 - Ark

The aim was accomplished! Thank you very much for your donations.
We used the funds to cover the costs of the renovation.

Donation total: 4 031.000 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

“The wooden building in our site in Kirald, or as we call it “Ark of the Spirit” or just “Ark” provides space not only for our celebrations, but also for relaxations, conversations and exercises. Unfortunately, it has gone through a serious deterioration in the past 13 years. The complete replacement of the wooden flooring, the renovation of the insulation, the construction of a drainage system next to the Ark are just some of the works to be carried out, which we have set as goals! We have decided in advance that we will choose the GOOD-QUALITY and DURABLE renovation over the cheap and quick solution because we want to guarantee the Ark’s good condition for many years so that the Light of Love – represented also by us – will continue to receive a worthy place!”

2024 - The second webpage of the Light of Love: Bence

The aim was accomplished! Thank you very much for your donations.
We used the funds received to cover the costs of the website.

Donation total: 450.000 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

“The Light of Love would like to create a second webpage which will contain the materials
of Bence Fazekas, the Leader of our Community in different languages so that they can be
accessible internationally!

Bence Fazekas :
I have set myself the task to step out into the world and into the digital space as an
ambassador of the Light of Love. In order to be taken seriously, I need a website where I
can directly display my public programmes, presentations, videos, audio, podcasts that I
want to create. I want to be available in 4 languages: English, German, Spanish,
Hungarian, so that I can really reach out and lead people to the Light of Love.
I ask for your kind support to develop the website (the picture shows the preliminary


2024 - NKT 2024, Mezőkövesd

The aim was accomplished! Thank you very much for your donations. The NKT 2024 was successfully held!
We used the funds received to cover the costs of the event.

Donation total: 800.000 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

On 11 May 2024, we will hold our 27th International Cultural Gathering in Mezőkövesd. Approximately 500 participants are expected. The entrance fee was calculated to be affordable for everyone, and therefore it only covers the lunch and the renting costs of the premise.
However, it does not cover the cost of the full day’s sandwich ingredients, the cameraman and post-production costs for the recording of the cultural programme, the printing and decorating costs and the fee of hiring the interpreting equipments for our guests from abroad.
For the latter, we would like to ask for your support, which we thank you for with great respect!

2024 - Conference microphone

The aim was accomplished! Thank you very much for your donations. With the conference microphone for our presentations, our fellows at the centre will now be easily heard online.

Donation total: 51.000 Huf

The funds received were used to purchase the conference microphone.

What was the goal that was achieved?

“We would like to use the conference microphone for our hybrid presentations and circles at our Centre. It will also help our fellows who are participating online to hear those who are in the room, in person, attending the session.”



2023 - Painting of the Center

The aim was accomplished! We are grateful for the donations and for the renovation of the main and treatment rooms of our center in December 2023.

Donation total: 200.000 Huf

The funds received were used for the painting of the rooms.

What was the goal that was achieved?

As part of the renewal announced in October, we want to paint the main room and the treatment room in the Center as a first step, in case of the latter the cleanliness is particularly important. We want to do this before Christmas this year, when the Center will be closed, so that by 2024 you and your massage guests will be welcomed in more dignified rooms.


2023 - Christmas celebration

The aim was accomplished! Thank you very much for your donations and for the opportunity to celebrate together on 09 December 2023 at our traditional Christmas event at the Albertfalla Community Centre.

The funds received were used for the venue rental and to feed the participants.

Donation total: 149.000 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

“On 9 December 2023, we will hold our traditional Christmas party in Albertfalla Community House. With instrumental performances, poems, songs, the Zengő Dobos Children’s Drumming Band and the Regal White Taltos Drumming Band.
Participation in the event is free of charge.
We would like to use the funds received to pay for the venue rental and to feed the participants and the guests.”

Karácsony 2022_adománygyűjtés


2022 - Királd 20th birthday

The aim was accomplished! Thank you for your donations and for being able to celebrate together in Kirald on the 8th of October.

Donation total: 296.000 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

Our beloved Church has turned 20 years old. 20 years is a long time. A lot has happened to us here in Peace Valley. We wanted to bring it all back to life and celebrate it with you! Therefore we invited all our dear old and new fellows to a birthday party. We spent a beautiful day together on this special anniversary! Participation in the event was free of charge.

We prepared, spruced up and made our rural centre fit for hosting guests, and treated the arrivals with a delicious meal.

We asked for donations for Kirald’s birthday party.



2022 - Bluetooth sound system

We gratefully thank you for your donations, we are happy to inform you that we bought the Sound System from the fund raised and use it already for meditations and relaxations!

Donation total: 91.220 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

We would like to have a better, and simpler way to handle a sound system which sounds normal, clear and loud enough for the room in which we hold our programs in Kirald! We need Connections with more types of cables (optical, jack, coax) and Bluetooth in order for it to be connected via mobile phone, tablet, laptop, and TV. It can then be more effectively used during our indoor lectures, musical premieres, relaxation, and meditation. Currently we use equipments brought from our homes.

The funds were requested to purchase the equipment.


2022 - Lawn mower

The goal has been achieved, thank you for making it possible to take care of our land in Kirald!

Donation total: 95.000 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

For the maintenance of our Királdi plantation, we purchased a good quality lawn mower to complement our current grass trimmers.


2022 - 50 towels

Cheers! The necessary amount has been collected, we bought the towels, with the help of which those who come to us can get free massages! Thank you!

Donation total: 44.750 Huf

What was the goal that was achieved?

Among the things necessary in order to offer our free massage, towels are essential, they are a fundamental tool of our helping activity. We purchased  50 of the towels pictured for the center.

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With your financial support you contribute to create and maintain the background for our free treatments!